"Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best."
Congratulations on stupendous success in IIT JEE     Congratulations to Mr. V. K. Shunglu - Chairman DPS Society and Managing Committee, DPS Hapur on being conferred the *Padma Bhushan*"


Norms for Promotion


   Norms for the promotion are as follows:

  1. The Report Card of the students will be based on the New CBSE Policy.
  2. Classes 6th to 9th will have two Term Exams apart from four Unit Tests, two in each term.
  3. Class 10th & 12th will have Mock Test and Pre-Board exam according to new CBSE policy.
  4. For classes 5th to 8th minimum 40% marks must be secured in every subject to facilitate promotion.
  5. For Classes 9th & 11th :

    Promotion is granted on the basis of cumulative performance of the pupil. Hence it is mandatory for a student to be regular in Attendance, Periodic Tests, Term Examinations & Assignments.

    For promotion, each student must secure 33% out of overall 20 marks of Internal Assessment ( Periodic Test + Multiple Assessments + Portfolio + Subject Enrichment Activity) and 33% marks out of 80 marks in each subject of Term Exams.

    The pass percentage in each subject ( Theory & Practical separately) is 33%.

    The compartment policy shall be as specified as CBSE. A student failing in more than one subject will not be promoted.

    Those who don't satisfy the condition for promotion/ compartment will be declared detained.

    Minimum 75% attendance is required for promotion.

Rules and Regulations for Unit Tests and Examination

  1. No retest shall be conducted for a child who has missed a test.
  2. Short leave will not be granted under any circumstances on the weekly test days.
  3. In case a student writes the test and then leaves, he /she will be marked absent for that day.
  4. In an emergency, written permission should be taken from the Principal.
  5. A child using unfair means is awarded zero.